Sunday, August 17, 2008

Thanks for the reminder!

a couple posts ago I mentioned I was going crazy trying to find my camera. Kendra so gently reminded me to pray. well I did a couple of days ago after reading Kendra's comment. (I hate it when my friends have to remind me to do things like that.)
Well I searched the house again - no camera.
I deep-cleaned every room - no camera.
I finally gave up and just thought that it might turn up some day.
Today after church we were getting into our van when Bill saw that someone had dropped a Driver's liscence in the parking lot. we debated what to do with it. I finally decided to just take it into the church's library lost and found. and guess what was there? My camera! SUre it had been run over and was totally useless and I can't retrieve anything off the memory card. BUT I am not going crazy anymore trying to remember where I left it.
My guess is that it fell out of my church bag a few weeks ago. I had decided to start carrying my camera with me everywhere and that is when I lost it. Luckily I had also unloaded the memory card that same day. at most there may have been just a couple of photos. SO I didn't lose too many. I am only bummed that now I have to share Bill's camera until I can afford a new one for me.
But yeah, we found it. thanks for caring. Most of the photos posted here will be from Bill's camera for a while.


Lisa Proffit-Rau said...

Michelle- What a goof

Kendra said...

Oh, I am so sorry! That is such a loss. At least you know where it is.

Michelle said...

yeah. and really I do mean thank you about reminding me to pray.

Karalee said...

How can you survive without a camera by your side..... isn't that kind of like not being able to breath?!?

Me said...

Of course I know who you are! I am glad that you found the we can stalk yours! (-=

Shane and Brandi said...

Michelle- Do you have insurance or warranty on it? I had it on mine a while back and didn't realize I could just get a new one! Good Luck! They do have them at yard