Tuesday, August 19, 2008

being sick

I think I now know why Gabriel, my 8 year old, likes to act like he's sick. He's is overly dramatic so I never know what is real and what is forced with him. SO when he is "sick" I make him lay down in his bed with no fun at all. no TV, no friends, no video games, no getting out of bed - unless you want to clean the house. it is NOT fun time.
This morning my 3 year old, Dane, decided to puke up a bunch right before breakfast. (what a fun way to start my morning!)
SO I gently cleaned up his face and undressed him, took him to the tub, told him how sorry I was that he wasn't feeling well. I toweled him dry and cuddled him, rubbing his warm forehead with my fingers and kissing his cheeks as I got clean clothes on him. Then I set up the couch in the front room with a fresh sheet over it, moved the pillows around just right, set up a side table with ice water and crackers. put a "fun pukey bowl" next to him (for just in case), turned on a movie and kissed his little forehead again.
Then it hit me - all me kids got this treatment when they were 1,2,3,4 and maybe 5 years of age. It was once they were in school or figuring out how to avoid chores, church or other activities by pretending to be sick that this cuddling when your sick stops.
I wonder if they are not just avoiding unpleasantness but are indeed trying to get that same kind of affection from their mommy that she laid on so thick way back when. I mean, how often to I cuddle and kiss my 8 year old boy.
I do try to remember to give him a huge hug and kiss before school and at bedtime. He smiles so big when I do that. But he never comes up to me and asks for those things. That's my job. I am supposed to remember that my kids need cuddled.
In the meantime, I have to go wash my rubber gloves and change my clothes so I don't get all pukey too.

By the way Brandi - I will not be picking peaches today. Got a pukey kid at home.
much love!


Karalee said...

Ahh, sick kids. What a fun way to start off a day. I hope you don't get the bug!

Shane and Brandi said...

I am sorry! If you want me to get you some peaches let me know and I can try to get you some.

Unknown said...

finding a blog through a blog ... Hey, I am so sorry one of your little ones is sick! the worst! Its good that you realized that the older ones do need some special treatment. They to need their mama! P.S. thanks for calling me about scrapbooking, that was a fun surprise, and I can't wait for next time. P.S.S. I want to go to the retreat, I need to talk to my mom she is a huge scrapbooker too, thanks to me ;) also my blog is: Larsenloves.blogspot.com! what is yours?

SnowBlue said...

Wow, they still let you touch them. Enjoy it while it lasts.