Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tag! I'm it!

Karalee tagged me...
This is what I'm supposed to do. List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 surprising facts and then tag 5 other people. Leave a comment for the people you tag so they know they have been tagged. So here it goes:

3 joys:
- my kids - of course are my number one joy. I love just sitting on the couch and watching them play. I love watching my 10 month old learn and explore and seeing how my 3 year old deals with him taking the toys. I love listening to Gabe and Ilia play pretend and talk about what the other needs to say next in their play world. I love seeing Evan mature. He is an amazing kid. I ask so much of him. he is honest with me and tells me when he thinks I am unfair. But he handles stress and the work load I trust him with with gumption. I think my kids are amazing!
- my dogs - I also love watching their relationship with each other and my kids. I love that Tottie hides in my closet when he needs quiet and Sandy never hides, she loves being where the action is. I love seeing my dogs lick my baby's face when he pulls on their ears and tries to grab them. I love watching them run in the hills and chase rabbits. I love that they enjoy structure. and know that after the nighttime potty they come right in and lay down on their beds and wait for me to turn off the light.
- excercise - I love being able to move again!!!! this might seem silly, but I love exercise and being so huge when I was pregnant and hardly being able to walk was so depressing. So I love that my body is finally starting to take shape again and I can dance with the kids! one day... one day... I will fit back into those size 6 that are sitting on my shelf (yeah, right, my bones have spread - I will never be the same.)

3 fears:
- not being able to fit in my old clothes ever again.
- the dog catcher getting my dogs for killing more chickens since they can hop my block wall.
- the unknown world my kids are now being exposed to via friends, school, internet, movies, etc... I fear most what they may choose to do with all this "information" they innocently receive. what may they choose to obsess over. my 6 year old daughter has already informed me she can't wait until she is old enough to be allowed to kiss boys. great. what do I do with that?

3 obsessions:
- pictures!!!! I love scrapbooking - not because I am the most creative, but because I love the joy I feel when I pull out a memory and re-capture it in a book and write the words. I am trying to increase my creative skills. I am getting better. Maybe I should post some pics of a few layouts. I am self-consious about feeling like it's a competition though.
- my dogs. it drives my husband crazy. I love training and working with them. they learn faster than kids do. you teach a dog to do something and within a few days or a few tries, he's got it. you tell a kid to do something and it takes him his entire life to figure it out. okay, maybe just years. potty training was a longer process with Dane than it was for both of my dogs. I also love that they love to run! they are my running partners... which brings me to my 3rd obsession lately...
- exercise! I really want to be more than just fit! I want to feel fabulous! I also want to dance again and be strong enough to do all the moves I did when I was in my early 20's. I want to be able to extend my leg straight up. I want to do things I have never been able to do. like a back walk over. I want to prove that 30+ and 6 full-term pregnancies does NOT change the ability to do amazing things. (I'll show you "So You Think You Can Dance" with your 30 yr old age limit!)
Also Dance shows are an obsession as well.

3 facts:
- I have fat thumbs called strangler's thumbs
- I used to be early everywhere before I married Bill. He's the late one and it's rubbed off on me since I married him. it drives me crazy.
- I wasn't a scrapbooker when I started my Creative Memories Business. I LOVE scrapbooking, NOW. But more than anything - I love people. I love connections and I love getting people together to party! I love getting to know who people are and helping them tell their stories. and I LOVE planning big events - like retreats. It brings me so much joy. but people are surprised to find out I have been scrapbooking 10 years and mostly do simple layouts. to not include this here in this information about me would be to not include one of the biggest parts of my life outside church and family.

tagging 5 more people...
let's see who do I want to know more about...
Jen Larsen, Marni, Kristen Hansen, Brandi, Marsha


Kristen said...

Hi! Awesome idea with the blogs, and yours is fabulous. Thanks for the tag, I did it and of course you got the shout out you well deserve!


Karalee said...

Thank you for answering my tag. I love to learn more about you and your life there in Utah! It has been a long time since I've seen you in person and love learning about you and your kids.