Wednesday, December 10, 2008

To School or not to School, that is the question...

whether tis nobler to sacrifice the quiet sanctity when all kids are away or to keep my sanity and send them off for some other poor sap to try and corral them... and... whatever...
Our community has a Whooping cough or Pertussis (sp?) outbreak and all non-immunized kids have to go home for nearly a month until this passes. AND kids whose California pediatrician and new Utah Pediatrician back in the year 2001 lost immunization records - well, those kids have to go home too if you can't prove they were immunized and you don't want to re-do them all (such is the case with my 2 oldest boys, Evan and Gabe). SO we get to try "home-school" for 30 days and see what we think.
Today was day one of the teachers sending home work for them to do for the next 2 weeks. DUUUDE! they blasted through it! I could not believe it. in fact I handed Evan his packet of math and said go as far as you can go. He stopped after 3 pages of math work and said "Mom, I better not pass up my class. I need to stop because normally this is where I stare off into space and wait for the rest of the class to catch up."
Gabe (almost 9years old) normally sits in the corner of the class because he has a few behavior problems connected to his easily distracted way, and he refuses to work and lives in a fantasy world. I handed him his packet and said "get as much done as fast as you can in any subject you want." so he grabbed the mapping stuff and did 3 pages in 15 minutes - something the teacher at school has to pull teeth to get him to do. I told him I was proud of him and gave him a piece of Chocolate and he asked if he could get more done tomorrow and get ahead and then started talking about if he could go to college when he was 12. Hmmmm.... he does love learning, he just has a hard time learning in a crowd and Evan is ready to just blast through the grade right now. I guess the school district and this pertussis thing was what I needed to finally decide to see what I could do for these 2 boys. So even when this whooping cough thing blows over, the public school system may not see these boys for a couple of years. we'll see. I told them it was a 30 day trial. SO far so good - Day one.
I'll keep you all posted...


Becky Seymour said...

your boys are really smart! I have noticed that just in church. have you thought of doing the washington online school? students can work on their own pace. look it up or ask me if you have questions.

Photo Crazy! said...

Hummm! I think you might want to home school for a little while. Your kids are very smart and you could probably get everything done in a couple of hours. The teachers don't know how to keep them busy.

Shane and Brandi said...

How is it still going? Are they still loving to learn?