Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rest in Peace Jason Oliver

Yesterday a man died.
Jason was a school buddy from Simi Valley High School class of 1992.
I went to that school from when I moved from Wyoming to California in the spring of 1990 to when I graduated in 1992.
I am not the best kind of friend. I don't carry relationships on very well when it isn't convenient. (facebook is changing that - lol)
I haven't seen or spoken to Jason since our graduation. Facebook was the way we reconnected after 17 years of not speaking or hanging out.
I was saddened beyond what I thought I would be yesterday when he passed away.
My husband asked if I wanted to go to his funeral and how close I was to Jason.
I really don't know how to define the connection I had felt with this man.
I only really knew him for a year and a half of my life.
But they were important years of my life.
Jason was... interesting, funny, strong, powerful, amazing.
I will admit I had a high school crush on him. It broke my heart when I found out he wasn't interested in women. :)
Jason was a political activist - and while I found myself on the opposite side of some major issues, he still acted like a kind loving passionate man who just was doing what he felt was the right thing. As was I.
He used to tell us that he would be President one day. We all KNEW he was the kind of man that could make that happen.
Jason was fearless.
He wore a tie to school every day.
He sang what he felt like when he felt like singing.
He would say what he felt.
Was I close to Jason?
As close as I was to most any other of my Simi High school buddies that I lost contact with after graduation.
Had I ran into him in a mall or post office I would have given him a huge hug and kiss on the cheek. And then we would have debated some political issue until I would cave and say "fine - you win."
I adored him.
I was thrilled when I "found" him on facebook. He was one of those people that never leaves your mind. He makes an impression. his smile burns into your heart. You cannot forget that smile.
He was adorable - even when I felt he was wrong. wrong or right. He was a powerhouse of a man. He deserves to be honored.
I don't know if I will go to his funeral or not.
But either way, I want the world to know...
Jason had strength.
His smile still is in my heart.
Rest in peace amazing, wonderful Jason.


MrsWix said...

It is always hard to lose a friend. I know so many of my high school friends have been lost this past year, some I didn't even remember till they reached out to me on FB. I think one of the saddest parts about losing these individuals that we've only just reconnected with is not the loss of the relationship but the loss of possibilities for the future of that relationship. May your friend rest in piece.

john harper said...

Thank you for sharing this - I heard about Jason's passing last night and it knocked the wind out of me. I knew him from our weekly softball games, and your portrait of him was spot on.