Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy valentine's day

I have written and re-written this blog post that I had hoped to dedicate to my husband Bill. I think this is my 5th attempt.
It's hard to find the exact words I want to say to the love of my life.
I met him in 1992. we became great friends and spent a lot of time together. we went Christmas shopping together for his girlfriend and ended up buying matching mats for each other.
I get a smile on my face every time I think about how our relationship started.

I just wanted to make sure the world knew it. but I can't seem to say enough. Or I end up saying it wrong. I love you Bill.
"Te adoro, te admiro, te amo!"

1 comment:

Karalee said...

You two are an amazing match! I also have to say that your version of cleaning your boys is quite unique ;)