Monday, July 28, 2008

we're baaack!

Bill and I just got back from a weekend campout by Kolob Resevoir. *sigh*
What a fabulous weekend it was. A big thank you to Sarah and Richard Clark for hanging out with the kids so we could getaway.
This was Bill's birthday party. just the 2 of us, a kayak, and a tent.

I rarely ever wear anything other than t-shirt and jeans. But, since we were going to be on the lake the whole time I decided to wear my short short and a tank top. I put on sunscreen but did not re-apply. I have a nasty sunburn!!!!!!

So, after I heal from this adventure I am going to start going to the tanning booth on occasion so that when I do decide to wear that occasional tank top or swimsuit I will not be in pain for days afterward since people with a tan burn less than those without. yup - it's true. I never used to burn when I was going to the beach every day back in high school. now I can't kayak on a lake for a few hours without looking like a sunscreen ad gone bad.

oh and I had a band aid on my knee too. it looks like it's still there when I took it off.

I've decided that once i heal I am going to make this a habit (the kayaking and camping thing- not the sunburn). I felt like I belonged there rowing and swimming and having a grand adventure.

We got there Friday around 6pm and took a while finding the perfect campsite that gave us some privacy and easy access to the water. We parked our vehicle about 50 yards away from our campsite since the road became to rocky and pothole-filled for our car (or most other cars, actually) and we hiked everything into the campsite and rowed the kayak around the inlet to the campsite.

It was nearly perfect except that a neighboring ward boyscout troop was nearby and we knew them and I was hanging out in a tank top and short shorts (not an outfit my neighbor boys normally see me in).

We also found out that the site we chose was also the popular spot to hike and fish around.

Bill and I decided to go hike around to find another campsite for the next time we went. we found an awesome spot that only those who boated or hiked into could get to. It was gorgeous!

It was during this hiking around that I slipped and skinned my knee - hence the band aid shape inside my sunburn.

We cooked steak and pork chops and sauteed mushrooms in the dark since our lantern wasn't that bright and the fire wouldn't stay lit. the food was great anyway. and we had a blast.
we both got into the hammock and it slipped down the tree onto the ground. But we didn't even notice, we were just lovin' the view of the stars and the fresh air.

Saturday we took the kayak on the water and went hiking around.
The place was gorgeous BUT I really got disgusted with the litter. I will write a separate blog just on the litter thing, because I also plan on writing a letter to the editor. Litter is my biggest pet peeve of all time.

Now back to real life and getting paperwork in order and finishing taxes...

Aaahh.... my mind just can't get into it. I am still on the lake.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Marsh Reunion

We just returned from our annual campout in Wyoming. Saturday morning Bill and I helped my brother Josh with the Triathalon he organized. He is going to love the picture I took of him here.

I never realized how much the swimmers needed someone in a kayak just to keep them going in the right direction. some of these guys woud have been way off course . I am just glad I didn't have to rescue anyone. Dane and his cousin Max really enjoyed hanging out. Dane was asking where Max went after Josh and Jen left early and Dane couldn't find his buddy anywhere.

I think I've got it now...

The personal and family Blog is UP!!! yeah!
after a few tries of getting things going like I want (ie: wrong e-mail/sign in name - fun story I will tell later) I think we got it going now.

Thanks Kendra for showing me how fun this could be and all the neat tricks to try out. I decided the blogging thing is a lot like like scrapbooking.
1 - couldn't see the use for it at first and wondered why the craze?
2 - saw the need for it for my business (by the way check out - that was my shameless business plug) so I decided to make it useful.
3 -got a little frustrated at being inept and not knowing if it was worth it
4 - someone showed me some ideas and tools to make it easier and actually fun
5 - I do not see myself stopping
6 - my husband tells me to put down the laptop and come to bed.

whoo hoo!!!! I am going to have fun!